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Paris Shopping - FI

A Day Shopping in Paris

Shopping in the Marais

While planning my trip to Paris, I happened across a post on Scott’s Cheap Flights raving about a food tour in Paris. When I went to the With Locals site to see the food tour, I noticed a shopping tour that sent my brain absolutely pinging (Très Chic’ Shopping Tour with Personal Stylist). I was dying to go shopping in Paris, but I was so intimated. As the trip got closer, I started getting so nervous; I’ve seen enough episodes of Project Runway to know how disappointed the designers are whenever they see that they have to dress “real” women. I sorta envisioned those mean ladies from Pretty Woman sneering me out of the stores and making fun of me for thinking that anything would fit me.

The tour absolutely blew me away. It was so much fun and incredibly special. I met my stylist/tour guide Aneta (@aneta_style) in the Marais district of Paris, and we shopped all afternoon. And it wasn’t just any shopping; it was like the magical montage shopping from Pretty Woman. Aneta took me around to a few different designer’s stores, and they gave me a sea of outfits and jewelry to try. They were amazing, and it was the most pampered and special day. I absolutely love all of my new clothes and have such an amazing memory of the day. Thanks Aneta! You totally saw me and found me pieces that I love. A huge thank you to EROTOKRITOS (@erotokritosparis), Koshka Mashka (@koshka_mashka)Matières à réflexion Marais (@matieresareflexion_marais), and Anika Lena Skärström (@anikalenaofficial) for your help and hospitality.

Wandering Around Paris

Before my shopping adventure, I woke up late and then meandered through the streets of Saint Germain, had breakfast near the Centre Pompidou, and wandered through the Marais. Once I brought my shopping back to the hotel, I realized that a second suitcase was absolutely essential. Luckily, Le Bon Marche had a huge sale on suitcases. And even more interesting, they had people skateboarding in tubes in the middle of the store. Just another amazing day in Paris.

Paris - FI

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