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Christmas - FI

Christmas always makes me nostalgic for my childhood in Ohio.


I love winter because I am overly nostalgic about the romantic way that snowflakes slowly flit down through the night air, creating a perfect glistening bed of snow in the moonlight.


Winter meant bundling up in ten layers of clothing so I could sled with the neighbor kids for hours. When I came home, my cheeks were red from the cold, and a sip of hot chocolate would warm me all the way to my toes.


And at Christmas, I always saw Santa at Lazarus, made my list from the massic Sears catalog, and had to take new pajamas photos on the staircase with my sisters. I loved the claymation Christmas specials, that magic feeling when you first see the tree on Christmas morning, being lazy with my family all day, and eating lots of food.


So now, I like Christmas simple. The best presents are fresh baked cookies and the ultimate Christmas playlist. The essential Christmas movies have a watching schedule, and there should be an advent calendar or two. And still, my favorite part is being lazy, spending time with my family, and enjoying all the food.

Christmas Collage

The Best Way To Spread Cheer Is Singing Loud For All To Hear