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My 16×2 year. Or 32… 33…

For my birthday this year, I had been planning on making a list of 33 things that I wanted to accomplish, but the more that I thought about the list, the more that I realized that sometimes I get too focused on what I want or where I want to go. I wanted to acknowledge and respect where I’ve been and recognize the power of the unexpected. This post is a reminder for me, so I can see exactly how I spent 32nd year (or 16×2 as I called it last year).

My 32nd year was full of the unexpected.

I went vegan for health reasons and lost 25 pounds. I have struggled with my weight for years, and the change was incredibly natural to me. Around the same time, I fell in love with someone so quickly and unexpectedly that it felt like it filled and collapsed my heart in a single breath. He was both the best and the worst person in the world for me. In the following sadness, I found an amazing connection with my Mom and two sisters. They sat with me when I cried, made me laugh when I needed it most, and constantly reminded me of my own strength. In all of this, I realized how much I am ready to settle down, have a healthy relationship, and maybe even start a family.


I took some amazing trips, which included visiting my home state of Ohio, fulfilling my childhood dream of swimming with dolphins, drinking Butterbeer, and spending a day helping to take care of the animals at Seaworld Orlando.



In between all of this, I’ve continued to take guitar lessons (almost 2 years now), researched my family history, had a DNA test done (Scot/Irish, Scandinavian  and Eastern European) read more than 52 books, created two new websites/blogs, found out I was ISFP, and took classes in online writing and photography.


I have continued to make art a priority. I became obsessed with photographing sunrises, made a kick ass Carrie/dead prom queen Halloween costume, fell in love with all new kinds of art materials, started art journaling, and started learning how to shoot with my new DSLR camera.


I also filled my year with amazing live music like Blind Pilot, Chris Cornell, Weezer, Eddie Vedder, Glen Hansard, The Chevin, Lemonheads, Fiona Apple, Psychedelic Furs, Elvis Costello, and Ringo Starr.



So, looking back, I am so happy with how I spent my time. Most of those things were done on a whim; I couldn’t have planned it all if I tried. So heading into my 33rd year, my only goals are these few reminders:

  • Read. Everything good comes from reading.
  • Use your heart and connect with people.
  • Be fearless, be open, and try new things.

Otherwise, I think that I’m doing pretty good.

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