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Jefferson Market FI

Jefferson Market Garden

I took a 6 am flight to New York, which meant I had to drag my body out of bed at 3 am. I was cursing my choices, but once I arrived in Manhattan, it was such a perfect Spring day, I knew that I had made the right choice. I wandered around the city all day: stomped around in front of the Hotel Chelsea (currently being remodeled), walked the High Line, pigged out at Chelsea Market, watched all the happy graduates (NYU) in their purple robes celebrating their graduation in Washington Square Park, wandered through Strand book store, and took in the blue skies, sunshine, and happy vibes.

While wandering around Greenwich Village, I stumbled upon Jefferson Market Garden.  At first, I thought it was a private park, so after hesitatingly wandering in, I absolutely fell in love.  Think shimmering green, vibrant flowers, singing birds, and butterflies just inches away from the city hustle. I may have found my new favorite spot in New York City.

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