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Paris - FI


Bonjour Paris!

Paris FI

Bienvenue à Paris

The streets of Paris are a beautiful labyrinth of surprises. French sounds musical echoing down alleyways. The air has a sweet, light scent that pulls you around corners with curiosity.


The people were kind, interesting, and lively. Yet, nothing in Paris ever felt rushed. Maybe it is impossible to rush when everything is so incredibly beautiful around you. Maybe everyone is in a constant state of euphoria from eating such delicious food. Is it a butter coma? Do real cream and calories cancel out the need to get and stay angry?


The sunlight was extra golden, and the shadows were purple and stretched out in fantastic ways. There was so much history, but nothing felt old. Everything felt alive.

Paris Collage

Stories & Photographs From Paris

20 Things: Paris

I compiled a list of twenty of my favorite things in Paris. It was so hard limiting it to 20 things, and I  included an excess of photographs. It would be so easy to make a list of my favorite foods, statues, artworks, etc. But for now, these are the 20 things that I remember the most.

20 Things: Paris - Cover
20 Things: Paris

More Stories From Paris

An Paris FI

Ah, Paris

Ah, Paris. Finally, we’ve met. I studied Paris from afar for years, seduced through beautiful photographic affairs and literary trysts, but I never understood the full magic.

The streets of Paris are a beautiful labyrinth of surprises. French sounds musical echoing down alleyways. The air has a sweet, light scent that pulls you around corners filled with curiosity. The people were kind, engaging, and lively. Yet, nothing in Paris ever felt rushed. Maybe it is impossible to rush when everything is so incredibly beautiful around you. Maybe everyone is in a constant state of euphoria from eating such delicious food. Is it a butter coma? Does real cream and calories cancel out anger? The sunlight was extra golden, and the shadows were purple and stretched out in fantastic ways. There was so much history, and everything felt alive.

I’ve compiled a list and some photographs of twenty of my favorite things in Paris. I had a hell of a time limiting it to 20 things, and I may have included an excess of photographs. While making a list, I kept thinking about how easy it would be to make a 20 list of my favorite foods, statues, artworks, etc. But for now, these are the 20 things that I remember the most.

Ready for More Paris?

Ready to read more adventures in France? Paris awaits.

  • Beth

    April 3, 2018 at 7:31 am Reply

    Annie….you are quite the artist! I just loved everything about this blog. Paris has not been on my bucket list, but you make me want to go! You are one of the bravest women I know! I can’t imagine going to Europe on such an exciting trip alone. What a fortunate girl you are. Your planning was simply perfect. And what you didn’t plan seemed to be even better!

    Your pictures are breathtaking. Please never stop sharing your experiences with me!

    • Annie

      April 3, 2018 at 8:20 am Reply

      Thank you for being an awesome friend and for all of your support and encouragement for this before, after, and during the trip. It has meant a great deal to me. 🙂

  • Pingback:20 Things: Amsterdam - Annie Wood

    October 3, 2019 at 1:30 pm Reply

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